Our Goals

Evangelizing the lost: We plan to have a frequent tract ministry on the streets and in the public squares.  As God’s word does not return void this will be the first step in reaching the community.  Most residences are not accessible so soul winning in public venues will be our greatest way to reach the lost.

Church planting: Once saved, new converts will need a local place to assemble to meet regularly with like-minded believers so churches must be planted.

Discipleship: Once saved, discipleship is essential to give a biblical foundation for their faith.  We will have both a discipleship program and a soul-winning program to better equip new converts to serve in the church and their communities.  As a foreigner we have to build relationships over time to be able gain trust, but if we can train up nationals the barrier that we have isn’t a factor and they can win their own people to Christ.

Community Outreach and Ministries: Any time there is a special event in the community or in times of disaster (earthquakes, floods, and landslides are common) we intend to be there to show God’s love and that God’s people really do care for them.  Ministries such as feeding the poor or clothing the poor are great as long as they do not take away from the main goal of saving the lost.

Training Nationals: As mentioned before Ecuadorians are more receptive from their own people so God called nationals will need to be trained up to take over or start churches in their own area or village.  I believe the goal of every missionary should be to start a work, but build it through national pastors.